Food Dye 101

I spent a few weeks on social media posting about artificial food colorings and why you should avoid them. I’ve compiled the posts together for you here!     RED 40 & RED 3 First up is the big guy, RED 40 or RED 3. It goes by other names, but just remember RED. This …

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Love Your Heart

February is Heart Awareness Month and Valentine’s Day was yesterday–so much LOVE and everything hearts!!   If you’ve been following me on Instagram or on Facebook  you will notice I have been posting about heart health all week.  I’ll be posting a free document soon you can download to keep your heart healthy, so stay …

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9 Years Ago….

Below is my first post in by blog at the day after I was diagnosed with NHL 9 years ago today. It’s surreal that that ever happened and look at how far I have come now….   February 5th, 2010: Hello there everyone! I have never done a blog before, but I think under …

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B vitamins

All About B Vitamins!

Ever wondered exactly what was in a B vitamin?  Well, here is your answer.  A typical B-complex will have the following:   B1 (Thiamine) B1 is needed for metabolism of carbohydrates and plays a role in nerve transmission.  It’s depleted with alcohol consumption!     B2 (Riboflavin) B2 is needed for adrenal function and energy …

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Flu Shot Day 4: Should I Get The Flu Shot?

NATURAL ways to protect yourself from the flu these next few months – instead of getting injected with synthetic chemicals found in a flu vaccine.