vericose veins

Preventing Varicose Veins

More than 50% of adults will have some varicose or spider veins. Still, there are things you can do that will help postpone them or keep them from becoming more visible, even if you don’t prevent them completely.


Practice these tips:


Lose weight

Excess pounds put more pressure on your legs. Slim down with a balanced diet. Choose foods high in fiber that will help you to feel full while eating less.


woman stretching.


Move around

Standing or sitting in the same position for too long makes your circulation slow down. Take breaks to stretch your limbs at least once each hour. Walking or any form of regular exercise will help too.


Use compression

Try special socks and stockings that are designed to gently squeeze your legs. You can buy them in regular stores, or your insurance may cover them. Ask your doctor how long you need to wear them.


adjusting compression socks.


Wear flats

You may love the way high heels look on you. However, spending too many hours in them can aggravate varicose veins and other health issues. Save them for parties and date nights.


Drink water

Staying well hydrated helps to keep your blood flowing. Carry a water bottle around with you. Use celery sticks and lemon wedges for flavor if you find plain water boring.


Be realistic

Keep in mind that lifestyle choices play a relatively minor role. There are many factors beyond your control, like aging, being a woman, and hormonal changes related to pregnancy and menopause.


Varicose veins are not related to heart disease, so you may decide to live with them unless your doctor recommends otherwise. Even if you do need treatment, nonsurgical options provide adequate relief for most patients.