mental health habits

8 Habits To Keep You Mentally Well

When you think of the word "wellness", do you limit this to physical aspects only?


Physical wellness is actually not the only type of wellness to consider. Health is best approached holistically, that is, considering the person as a whole - mental, physical, and social factors.


Here are some mental wellness tips you might not have considered:


Think positive

Look on the bright side. Express your gratitude. Show compassion for yourself and others.


Nurture close ties

Stay in touch with family and friends. Consider getting a roommate if you feel isolated living alone.


Make new friends

Reach out to people with similar interests. Join a book club. Invite a new neighbor to join you for coffee or shopping.


Volunteer your services

Get involved in local groups or professional associations. Join the welcoming committees or help plan the annual fundraiser. Tutor children or work in a community garden.


happy women hugging
Mental Wellness with Friends


Laugh more

Lighten up. Watch cartoons with your children. Look for the humor in confusing IRS instructions or surprise snow storms.


Manage your finances

Financial pressures can interfere with your well-being. Consult a financial advisor if you need guidance with money matters. Save on a regular basis even if you can put aside only modest amounts.


Learn something new

Stimulate your brain. Teach yourself a foreign language or learn to draw. Play word puzzles or trivia games. Take dance classes or sign up for adult education courses at a community college.


woman resting for mental clarity.
Mental Wellness


Deal with stress

Practice relaxation methods that work for you. Good choices include deep breathing, warm baths, and listening to instrumental music. Turn to your faith tradition for teachings on coping with adversity or read inspirational materials.