yoga to help keep your mind sharp.

Strategies to Keep your Mind Sharp

There’s a lot you can do to keep your mind sharp or even enhance it. There are a variety of ways to exercise your brain, from learning something new, to exercise, to quitting unsupportive habits.


Your brain eventually ages just like any other part of your body, but there is much you can do to slow, or even reverse, the aging process. It’s never too soon or too late to work on keeping your mind sharp.

Try these suggestions:

Learn a foreign language.

Learning a new language is challenging! Between learning new vocabulary and grammar rules, you’ll give your brain a full workout. You’ll even become a better listener. Pick a language that interests you. Hopefully, it will be one that you find useful, too.



Meditation is all about focus. With age, it can be more challenging to concentrate. Daily meditation feels good, helps you to relax, and gives your brain a workout. Develop a daily meditation practice and notice all the benefits you gain.


Exercise your brain and body.

There are many ways to exercise your brain. Listen to classical music, take a math class, do a crossword puzzle, read a challenging book, make a list of random words and try to remember it. Play bridge or poker.


Avoid smoking and excessive drinking.

Some studies show that a drink a day is healthy. That’s one drink. There are no studies that support smoking as a health booster. One of the ways to keep your mind sharp is to stop doing the things that damage it.