Check out these custom, effortless meal plans created by Marian Mitchell, Certified Health Coach, Cookbook Author, Meal Planning Expert, Public Speaker and Mom.

- Guide diving into the why and how of that specific diet recommendation. The more you know, the easier it is to stay motivated to stick to it for the allotted time.
- Grocery shopping lists, so you don't have to guess
- 45+ recipes to get you started and have a diet so that you're not eating the same 4 things everyday.
- Tips and tricks for dining out and eating on-the-go
- Other helpful information so that you can follow the treatment plan correctly and get to feeling like yourself again quickly.
5 Day Detox: 
- An in-depth explanation of how detox actually works
- Learning what foods and environmental factors lead to a sluggish liver
- And how to effectively release toxins and rid your body of the toxins bogging you down
- Guide to which foods support your detoxification process
- Satisfying 5 day meal plan
- Omnivore and Vegan options! (And of course gluten free, dairy free, and egg free friendly!)
- Shopping list
- Delicious and filling recipes
4 Week Allergy Friendly Meal Plan:
- For multiple food sensitivities/allergies
- Need to get blood sugar under control
- Thyroid issues
- Want to learn how to eat clean
- Want to lose weight
- Weekly shopping list
- Helpful guides on how to shop, substitute and make cooking easy
Low Oxalate Diet Guide + Meal Plan:
Have recurring kidney stones? This plan helps you navigate what you can eat, gives you meal plans with shopping lists and recipes and a guide to help with eating out.
- Guidance on navigating the grocery store, making finding low oxalate foods simple
- An extensive list of foods you can eat (instead of ones you can’t)
- A 2 week flexible meal plan with shopping lists
- 45 starter recipes
- Tips and tricks for eating out
- Simple swaps for many favorites
Low Mold Diet Guide + Meal Plan:
Mold toxicity is a nasty thing to contend with. Along with supplements it is often recommended you follow a low-mold diet for 3-6 months. Plan includes:
- "How to Live a Low-Mold Lifestyle Guide". In here you’ll learn all the tips and tricks for living low-mold inside of the home and how to navigate life outside of the home for the duration you need to be on this diet.
- Because you have to eat very fresh, all the cooking tips and tricks to save you time and money.
- 2 weeks of meal plans with shopping lists, to save you 20+ hours of research and guessing
- Additional recipes to rotate in to prevent food boredom
- Over 45 recipes total that even include dessert (yay!) (all low-mold friendly and healthy of course)
- 3 months of on-going email support with helpful tips, tricks, and information to help keep you on track.
- Reintroduction guidance to ensure you add in foods slowly and how-to measure any response your body may give you.
Low Histamine Diet Guide + Meal Plan:
Do you have horrible, year round seasonal allergies or random reactions to foods and environmental factors? Plan includes:
- 2-weeks of done-for-you meal plans to jumpstart you new temporarily lifestyle with ease
- 45 recipes that you can have a ton of options and not feel deprived and/or bored with your food
- Know exactly what you need to do to prevent histamine growth on your food so you stop adding histamine to your body and start reducing what has built up
- Freezing and thawing tips because most of us aren’t used to having to freeze and reheat our leftovers
- Build your pantry and freezer with short-cuts so meals can be ready in less than 15 minutes
- Know how to dine out and travel with more ease
- Cooking tips to make your time in the kitchen as easy as possible
SIBO 6 Month Protocol + Reintroduction Guide:
SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) usually requires a specific diet along with medication and/or supplement protocol. This is a two-phase diet designed to help kill off the bacteria in the small intestine where it doesn't belong and restore the integrity of the intestinal lining at the same time. This is a 6-phase diet protocol designed by Dr. MaryK Geyer, ND to not only prevent SIBO from returning but also how to start reintroducing foods so that you don't experience GI distress. Plan includes:
- Meal plans that pair with the allowed foods in each phase so that you know exactly what to eat, with plenty of variety to prevent food boredom and overwhelm with the restrictions in place to heal your gut. No guessing in this program! You’ll be receiving a total of 6 full meal plans plus recipes to add in during the reintroduction phases (4-6).
- Each meal plan comes with a completed shopping list so that you don’t even have to figure out what to buy. It’s done for you! When life gets crazy, your grocery list is done!
- Over 60 recipes so that you don’t feel limited nor bored.
- An in-depth guide on SIBO, what leads up to it, why and how this protocol works, pantry shortcuts and cooking tips, and “Can Eat” list so that you know exactly what you can eat versus dwelling on what you can’t.
- 9 months of coaching support with Marian Mitchell through regular emails. You won’t be alone through this program. We will be in touch regularly talking about how to work through common struggles while on this short-term diet including how to talk to friends and family, how to dine out and travel, help improving sleep, managing stress, and so much more.
- No guessing on when to start each phase. You’ll get an email beforehand letting you know when, how best to prep, and tips to make it a simple transition.
- Options to have one-on-one coaching sessions with Marian Mitchell if you ever need additional support and guidance. Every person has unique challenges, we want to help you overcome any potential roadblock to your SIBO healing.