better sleep

Stop Doing These Things If You Want Better Sleep

Who doesn’t want better sleep? It’s the key to more energy, weight loss, mental clarity, and just feeling GOOD.


Check your habits first. Do you do any of these 5 things that could be secretly ruining your sleep?


stop Alcohol

Even though alcohol initially calms the nervous system, it disrupts the normal phases of the sleep cycle as it wears off during the night. 



 stop Sugar

Eating sweets and refined carbohydrates causes blood sugar fluctuations that disrupt sleep.



 stop Late-day caffeine

It can take up to 10 hours for caffeine to completely clear from your system, so pay attention to when you drink that last sip of coffee.



stop Sitting around

Movement and exercise are key to healthy hormones, a regulated internal clock, and quality sleep.



stop Nighttime Screens

The blue light that emits from your phone, tablet, or TV  interferes with your natural production of melatonin, the hormone needed for sleep.


Before you grab a pill (even something natural), take a look at these habits and see if you notice better sleep when you stop them.