feng shui can improve office energy.

How Feng Shui Improves Office Energy

I’m always looking for ways to help my patients create environments that support health, well-being, and optimal performance. One powerful tool for enhancing the energy and flow of any space is the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui. While Feng Shui is often associated with home design, its principles can be just as effectively applied to the office setting.


How To Apply Fung Shui

At its core, Feng Shui is about creating harmony and balance between individuals and their environment. In the office, this means designing a space that promotes productivity, creativity, and a sense of well-being for all who inhabit it. By mindfully arranging furniture, selecting colors and materials, and incorporating natural elements, we can create a workspace that feels both energizing and grounding.


Command Position

One key principle of Feng Shui in the office is the concept of the “command position.” This refers to the placement of your desk in relation to the door of your office or cubicle. Ideally, your desk should be positioned diagonally across from the entrance, allowing you to see the door without being directly in line with it. This creates a sense of safety and control, while also allowing for a clear view of opportunities and challenges that may come your way.


Color and Natural Light

Another important consideration is the use of color and natural light. In Feng Shui, different colors are associated with different qualities and elements. For example, blue and green are associated with the wood element and can promote growth, flexibility, and creativity. Red and orange are associated with the fire element and can stimulate passion, excitement, and motivation. By thoughtfully incorporating these colors into your office decor, you can create a space that supports your unique goals and energy needs.


Natural Elements

The use of natural elements is also key in Feng Shui. Incorporating plants, water features, or natural materials like wood and stone can help to create a sense of connection to the natural world and promote feelings of groundedness and vitality. Even small touches, like a desktop water fountain or a potted plant, can make a big difference in the overall energy of your workspace.



Clutter is another important consideration in Feng Shui. A cluttered, disorganized space can lead to feelings of overwhelm, confusion, and stagnation. By keeping your office clean, organized, and free of unnecessary items, you can create a sense of clarity and flow that supports productivity and well-being.


Personal Touches

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of personal touches in your office space. Displaying photos of loved ones, meaningful artwork, or inspiring quotes can help to create a sense of connection and motivation throughout your workday.


By incorporating these Feng Shui principles into your office design, you can create a workspace that feels both energizing and harmonious. Whether you’re working in a large corporate office or a small home studio, the thoughtful arrangement of your space can have a profound impact on your productivity, creativity, and overall sense of well-being.


I encourage my patients to view their work environment as an extension of their overall health and wellness. By creating a space that supports your unique needs and goals, you can set yourself up for success and fulfillment in all areas of your life.