remedies for snoring

Effective Remedies For Snoring

Snoring is more common than you think. Nearly everyone snores occasionally, but it can be an indication of a serious condition. Here are some natural remedies to try if snoring is a problem in your sleep routine:


Get More Sleep

Try getting an extra hour or two of sleep each night. When you're overtired, your throat and tongue muscles may loosen and block your airway. This is similar to the effects of aging, but in this case, you can do something about it.


Sleep On Your Side

Some people get instant snoring relief just by sleeping on their side rather than their back. It takes practice to change old habits, but you can train yourself to do it. Putting a pillow alongside your body will help to hold you in place on your side.


Elevate Your Head At Night

If you’re free from neck problems, you may want to experiment with holding your head higher at night. You can get a bed that adjusts to an incline or use an extra pillow to prop yourself up.


Avoid Sedatives, Alcohol, and Late-Night Eating

Anyone may be vulnerable to snoring after drinking beer, eating pizza, or taking certain medications before bed. Consume your last cocktail or meal at least four hours before you go to sleep!


natural help for snoring


Lose Weight

Excess weight around the throat also makes it harder to breathe correctly, especially at night when you’re lying down. If you noticed that your snoring started only after you put on a few extra pounds, it may be time for a diet and more exercise.


Treat Nasal Congestion

Steam opens your nasal passages! Why not try a hot shower before bed or a vaporizer while you sleep? Nasal strips and gargling with salt water may also help.


Reduce Household Dust

Getting household dust under control will help you breathe better night and day. Shop for anti-allergy bedding and replace your pillow regularly.


Ask Your Doctor About Non-Surgical Treatments

If your snoring persists, there are several medical appliances that your doctor can recommend. For example, CPAP therapy is when you use a breathing device to pump air into your body while you sleep. It's often the primary treatment for sleep apnea.


remedies for snoring


Consider Surgery

Using surgical methods as a treatment for snoring is relatively rare. Still, there are many surgical options to consider, just in case CPAP therapy fails. Many of these procedures can be done with lasers or microwaves.


Home remedies and proper medical treatment can often reduce the incidents and intensity of snoring, as well as minimize the negative effects. Get help with snoring, whether it's for yourself or a loved one. Then everyone can start enjoying a good night's sleep!