Boost your Mood Fast

3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Fast

Feeling in a funk?
Here are 3 ways you can boost your mood fast!


1. Meditate

Play some relaxing music, set a timer for 5 minutes, and focus on taking deep breaths for 5 minutes. If you mind wanders that is okay just bring it back to your breath.


Research shows that meditation can greatly boos your mood. One study compared electrical activity between the brains of people who practiced mindfulness meditation and the brains of others who did not. Those who meditated showed measurable changes in activity in areas related to positive thinking and optimism.


2. Ylang ylang

A well-known essential oil that helps fight negative emotions and depression. Inhaling this essential oil through a diffuser or aromatherapy inhaler can remedy depressive moods and promote positivity. It can also help you release negative emotions and improve self-esteem.


3. Listen to music

If you need a mood booster, studies have shown that music can boost your mood and fend off depression.


It can also improve blood flow in ways similar to statins, lower your levels of stress related cortisol and reduce pain.


Listening to music before an operation can even improve surgery outcomes.


Which of these are you going to try first?